Pan de Sal
(also spelled Pandesal)
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 Tsp salt
5 Tbsp butter-softened
1-2 Tbsp oil
4 cups flour
3 Tsp dry yeast
Fine breadcrumbs
(such as Panko)
Let the egg set out to warm to room temp or run it under tap water to warm it.
Do not use a cold egg.
Combine water and both milks in a microwave safe dish and heat for 30 seconds or til warm but not hot.
In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except the bread crumbs.
If you have a dough mixer, use that, if not, use a wooden spoon.
Mix for 15-20 min.
Lightly dust a board or countertop with flour and knead dough for 10-15 min,addong more flour as needed.
(dough should be on the "sticky" side)
Place the dough back in the mixing bowl that has been lightly sprayed with a nonstick spray.
Cover with a clean,damp cloth and set in a warm place until doubles in volume.
Place breadcrumbs on a flat surface or in a bowl.
Pinch off dough into "ice cream scoop" portions and roll in the breadcrumbs.
Place breadcrumb coverd dough, at least 1 1/2-2 inches apart, on a sprayed baking sheet.
Again cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in volume.
Bake at 375 deg for 10-15 min or until golden brown.