Old Fashioned Hoarhound Candy
1 1/2 Tsp of pressed Hoarhound*
1//4 cups boiling water
1/3 cup light corn syrup
2 cups sugar
1/8 Tsp salt
Pour the boiling water over the hoarhound and allow it to stand for 10 minutes then strain the liquid.
In a heavy pan, combine the sugar,salt,corn syrup and the strained liquid.
Bring mixture to a boil and boil to a soft crack stage(275-280 deg).
Pour onto a well buttered cookie sheet.
Before candy hardens, mark in squares or wait until it is completely hard and break into pieces.
*Note: Hoarhound products may be found online or in many healthfood stores.I suggest you use this unless you are VERY familiar with the plant,when to pick and what parts of the plant to use.One of the main uses of hoarhound over time has been as a cough suppresent